This BJJ sweep is super sick! If you play closed guard you will like it a lot. I have hit this sweep multiple times in competition and in the room. I LOVE IT!!!
The sweep it the windmill sweep from closed guard. There are so many little techniques that make this sweep. But I cant tell you all my secrets. So I am just going to give you the basics.
After you have closed your guard. You first reach down and grab your opponents pants in between the ankle and knee. Make sure not to let go of the grip until you have swept your opponent. Next grip will be on your opponents sleeve. I like using a cats paw grip. Make sure you have the same side grip. NOT CROSS GRIP!!
Now you have to plant your foot on the ground next to opponents foot. This has to be on the side you have a sleeve grip. The other leg swings up and hits your opponent in the shoulder.
This causes your opponent to lose his balance. Then you can lift your opponents leg up and continue to sweep into mount.
There are a lot of small details missing in this. But do not get frustrated if you do not hit this sweep in your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class immediately. Just do the basics and the rest will fall into place! This sweep works best in Gi BJJ but it can work in NOGI to. Good luck!
I wish I understood this better. I will keep on trying. Good job Evan.